Monday, October 3, 2016

Lis Wiehl's "The Candidate"

Lis Wiehl, author of The Candidate: A Newsmaker Novel is the New York Times bestselling author of over a dozen novels. She is a Harvard Law School graduate and has served as a federal prosecutor in the state of Washington and as a tenured faculty member at The University Washington School of Law. She is currently a popular legal analyst and commentator for the Fox News Channel.

Here Wiehl dreamcasts an adaptation of The Candidate:
In the movie of The Candidate, there are two actresses who I think would do an amazing job playing Erica Sparks. The first is Mila Kunis. Erica is blonde and blue-eyed and Mila is a brunette with dark eyes, but she shares a lot of other traits with Erica. I recently saw her in Bad Moms and thought she was dynamic, smart, sexy, funny and fearless. I also think she has real movie star presence. I could imagine her tearing up the screen as Erica. Mila, are you listening?

My other choice would be Emma Stone, who I think is absolutely captivating. She radiates intelligence and warmth with a hint of vulnerability and neurosis lurking just below the surface. Erica is a conflicted woman with a dark past, and I think Emma could capture this perfectly. I think she’s one of the most gifted actresses working today. Not only she is believable, you can’t take your eyes off her. Emma, call me anytime.

As for Erica’s fiancĂ©, Greg Underwood, I’d love to see Ryan Gosling in the role. Not because he’s a terrific actor, which he is, but because I’d get to meet him and make a total fool of myself. Seriously, I think he’s a major talent with star quality, and would be believable as a former war photographer who has moved into producing television news. He also has incredible on-screen chemistry with Emma Stone -- and, yes, he’s a drop-dead dreamboat. My crush aside, I could also see Mark Ruffalo or Toby Maguire as Greg.
Visit Lis Wiehl's website, and connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.

--Marshal Zeringue