Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Asha Greyling's "The Vampire of Kings Street"

Asha Greyling lives in Maryland with her furry four-footed muses, Gwin the terrier and a guinea pig who thinks she’s a cat. She likes nothing more than swinging in the playground (unless the local children scare her off), collecting acorns, or sitting down with a good book.

Here Greyling dreamcasts an adaptation of her new novel, The Vampire of Kings Street:
When I write, I visualize everything. It helps me set up a scene if I can see it in my mind’s eye as a movie. Sometimes I’m describing what I see, not at all what I’ve planned!

My dreamcast for The Vampire of Kings Street would be the following:

Simone Ashley – Simone Ashley has just the kind of flair, style, and attitude that I would imagine for Radhika Dhingra. Radhika is the descent of South Indian immigrants and now an aspiring lawyer in 19th century New York. There is a lot of colorism in India (and the world as a whole), so I deliberately made Radhika darker skinned than most of the Indian actresses you see in film, like Simone Ashley herself. I'd love to see Simone in this role!

Freddy Carter – For the vampire-accused-of-murder, Evelyn More, I think Freddy Carter would fit the role excellently. He’s great at playing ambiguous characters with both a dark and light side, which fits Evelyn exactly – characters who you could imagine being villainous but equally capable of heroism. And after all, maybe Evelyn More is the murderer – read to find out!

Florence Pugh – Florence Pugh’s spunky and no-nonsense performance would fit the character of daring reporter Jane Beverly to a “T.” Jane Beverly is an ambitious, free-spirited character—one of Radhika Dhingra’s few friends—who never lets society’s norms hold her back from her goals.
Visit Asha Greyling's website.

The Page 69 Test: The Vampire of Kings Street.

--Marshal Zeringue