Monday, September 2, 2024

Sofie Kelly's "Furever After"

New York Times bestselling author, Sofie Kelly, writes the Magical Cats mysteries, set in the small town of Mayville Heights, Minnesota. As Sofie Ryan, she is the author of the popular bestselling Second Chance Cat mysteries that feature repurpose shop owner, Sarah Grayson, a group of senior sleuths and the world's oldest computer hacker.

Kelly has been a late night disk jockey—which explains her love of coffee--and taught absolutely terrified adults how to swim. Like Kathleen Paulson in the Magical Cats books, she practices Wu style Tai Chi. Kelly is also a mixed-media artist and likes to prowl thrift shops looking for things to re-purpose in her art.

Here she dreamcasts an adaptation of her new novel, Furever After:
Librarian Kathleen Paulson lives in Mayville Heights, a small town in Minnesota. In the latest book in the series, Furever After, she’s about to marry Detective Marcus Gordon. Kathleen gets tangled up in quite a few of Marcus’s cases. She’s kind and empathic and people tell her things. Kathleen is also very good at figuring out when someone is lying. Her parents are actors—primarily in the theatre—and she’s learned a lot about human nature from watching them. She has excellent research skills as well. And she has a couple of furry helpers, her cats, Owen and Hercules.

Owen and Hercules are not ordinary felines. There’s a reason this series is called the Magical Cats Mysteries. The cats each have a very unique skill. Owen can become invisible, and being a cat he doesn’t always disappear when it’s convenient for Kathleen. Hercules can walk through walls.

So which actor do I picture playing Kathleen if Hollywood decided to turn the series into a movie? Sandra Bullock. She’s equally good at comedy and drama. She looks right physically for the part. And she’s an animal lover. But Sandra is a little older than Kathleen, who is in her late thirties. However, I’m actually thinking about Sandra Bullock from about 2006 when she was in the movie The Lake House. (Don’t tell me the movie is stupid because I will stuff my fingers in my ears and start humming loudly.)

So if Sandra Bullock was cast as Kathleen I’m thinking maybe…maybe Keanu Reeves for Marcus? Yes, I know his eye color and age are all wrong but again I’m picturing Keanu circa 2006, which does fix the age issue. And I could be flexible about Marcus’s beautiful blue eyes.

So what do you think?
Visit Sofie Kelly's website.

My Book, The Movie: Curiosity Thrilled the Cat.

Writers Read: Sofie Kelly (October 2015).

The Page 69 Test: Faux Pas.

Writers Read: Sofie Kelly (September 2022).

Writers Read: Sofie Kelly.

--Marshal Zeringue