Here Strohm dreamcasts an adaptation of her new novel, The Taming of the Drew:
There is only one sassy redhead for me, and that sassy redhead is Emma Stone. I love her voice and her brilliant comic timing. I think she would make a perfect Cass. Plus, she seems like she was totally a drama dork. She probably crushed the role of Beatrice in her high school production of Much Ado About Nothing. Emma Stone is a banter queen, and this book is nothing but banter. I bet she’d also come up with some awesome improv. (See Emma? I’m open to collaboration!) Personally, I find her very likeable, and I think she’d do a great job of making sure the audience is rooting for Cass, despite Cass’s prickly nature.Visit Stephanie Kate Strohm's website.
As for Drew…Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield may have split up in real life, but I think they’d be great reunited on screen as Cass and Drew. I think Andrew could capture both Drew’s arrogance and his secret sweet side well. I’ve also seen a picture of him with a crazy beard, so I know he can grow that essential lumberjack beard – and then be cute as a button once the beard is shaved off. (Not that he’s not cute with the beard, but you know what I mean.) This picture could basically be a promotional shot for the movie! Interested, Emma and Andrew? Let me know!
The Page 69 Test: The Taming of the Drew.
--Marshal Zeringue