Here Abel shares some thoughts about adapting his new novel, Cold Silence, for the big screen:
The best actors and directors move easily between different kinds of stories, so I'd be happy with anyone who wants to bite off the great issue of ways that the combination of bio-terror and religious fanaticism threatens our so called developed world. The best thrillers not only entertain, they send the audience off talking about the issues, maybe even thinking of them in a different way. They manage to dramatically underline the demons that every so often tilt our world off its axis. Directors who think big. Actors who show the way the big issues effect average people. I'd be thrilled to have those people depict my story, bring it to life on the big screen.Visit James Abel's website.
The Page 69 Test: Protocol Zero.
My Book, The Movie: Protocol Zero.
The Page 69 Test: Cold Silence.
Writers Read: James Abel.
--Marshal Zeringue