Here Wiehl dreamcasts an adaptation of The Candidate:
In the movie of The Candidate, there are two actresses who I think would do an amazing job playing Erica Sparks. The first is Mila Kunis. Erica is blonde and blue-eyed and Mila is a brunette with dark eyes, but she shares a lot of other traits with Erica. I recently saw her in Bad Moms and thought she was dynamic, smart, sexy, funny and fearless. I also think she has real movie star presence. I could imagine her tearing up the screen as Erica. Mila, are you listening?Visit Lis Wiehl's website, and connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.
My other choice would be Emma Stone, who I think is absolutely captivating. She radiates intelligence and warmth with a hint of vulnerability and neurosis lurking just below the surface. Erica is a conflicted woman with a dark past, and I think Emma could capture this perfectly. I think she’s one of the most gifted actresses working today. Not only she is believable, you can’t take your eyes off her. Emma, call me anytime.
As for Erica’s fiancé, Greg Underwood, I’d love to see Ryan Gosling in the role. Not because he’s a terrific actor, which he is, but because I’d get to meet him and make a total fool of myself. Seriously, I think he’s a major talent with star quality, and would be believable as a former war photographer who has moved into producing television news. He also has incredible on-screen chemistry with Emma Stone -- and, yes, he’s a drop-dead dreamboat. My crush aside, I could also see Mark Ruffalo or Toby Maguire as Greg.
--Marshal Zeringue