Here Parks dreamcasts an adaptation of her latest novel, I Invited Her In:
When I wrote I Invited Her In, I did not dare envisage any particular movie stars to play the roles. I guess I think it’s tempting fate because I secretly long for a movie deal and don’t want to appear presumptive to the capricious fates who can, you know, somehow secretly read my mind and then perhaps deny me my greatest wish! But what the heck, let's throw caution to the wind and have some fun casting!Visit Adele Parks's website.
OK first off, I’d love to cast incredible Amy Adams as Mel. Adams has tremendous range and I can see her as a struggling, desperate, young mum as well as a fierce tiger ready to defend her family against any threat. She’d bring enormous sympathy and warmth to Mel.
I’d cast the utterly beautiful and equally talented Anne Hathaway as Abi. She’d slip between seductive siren and best friend ever with irresistible poise.
Chiwetel Ejiofor would make the perfect Ben. He’s got everything I hope Ben has. He has that illusive and desirable combination, as he appears to be wise, kind, humorous and dependable – all that combined with smoking hot.
I feel extremely uncomfortable casting Liam, considering everything…All I would say is he has to be young, fresh, naive yet delicious. I’ll leave that to your imaginations.
The Page 69 Test: I Invited Her In.
Writers Read: Adele Parks.
--Marshal Zeringue