His Wakeland series includes Invisible Dead, Cut You Down, Hell and Gone, Sunset and Jericho, and the upcoming Wrath of Exiles. The series has been praised for its authenticity and social realism. He’s also the author of Ocean Drive, Last of the Independents, Never Going Back, and A Lonesome Place for Dying under the pen name Nolan Chase.
Here Wiebe dreamcasts an adaptation of Ocean Drive:
Meghan Quick is the senior officer at a small police department in White Rock, BC, up against a large-scale criminal conspiracy. I’ve referred to Ocean Drive as a Pacific Northwest Fargo, and of course Frances McDormand would be a great choice to play Meghan. But Thandiwe Newton would be a great choice, too—she really stood out in God’s Country.Visit Sam Wiebe's website.
Cameron Shaw is fresh out of prison and trying to go straight, but gets caught up in the same conspiracy from the other end. Nicholas Hoult was terrific in Clint Eastwood’s Juror No. 2, and it would be interesting to see what he’d do with the role.
My Book, The Movie: Invisible Dead.
The Page 69 Test: Invisible Dead.
The Page 69 Test: Cut You Down.
Q&A with Sam Wiebe.
The Page 69 Test: Hell and Gone.
Writers Read: Sam Wiebe (March 2022).
My Book, The Movie: Hell and Gone.
My Book, The Movie: Sunset and Jericho.
Writers Read: Sam Wiebe (April 2023).
The Page 69 Test: Sunset and Jericho.
The Page 69 Test: Ocean Drive.
--Marshal Zeringue