Here Anders dreamcasts an adaptation of her new novel, All the Birds in the Sky:
I actually suck at figuring out who ought to play characters I thought up in my head. Part of that is because the more time I spend imagining them, the less they look like any particular actor or other real-life person. That said, I would kill to have Jennifer Lawrence play the grown-up Patricia, the witch in my novel. I think Lawrence could bring the mixture of vulnerability and whimsy -- with an edge of anger and resentment -- that keeps Patricia going.Visit Charlie Jane Anders's website.
For Laurence, the mad scientist, it would be hard to find an actor with a such a big long chin. But maybe Dylan O'Brien? I mostly want whoever plays Laurence to be able to do "overthinking and nerdy," without too much adorkableness. This is for the grown-up versions of the characters, natch. Mostly I sort of fantasize about going back in time to 1997-ish and kidnapping the young cast of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and forcing them all to play all the characters in my book. Anthony Stewart Head could play a dozen different roles.
--Marshal Zeringue