In 2013 Miley introduced her Roaring Twenties series with The Impersonator. Here she dreamcasts an adaptation of Silent Murders, the second book in the series:
This question, commonly posed to fiction authors and book club readers, is harder for me to answer than it would seem. The main character in Silent Murders (and in the entire Roaring Twenties series) is a young woman who has spent her life on the vaudeville stage playing kiddie roles into her mid twenties. Any actress playing Jessie would need to be petite and have a boyish 1920s silhouette—those traits, along with her acting skills, allow her to continue impersonating teenage girls, which is important to the stories. So the film version requires an actress who can believably become 16 with the right clothes and makeup. Not many fit that description. Drew Barrymore would have been perfect 15 years ago. Keira Knightley and Emma Stone come to mind as possibilities.Learn more about the book and author at Mary Miley's website, blog, and Facebook page.
The main male character, David Carr, was introduced in The Impersonator and continues in Silent Murders and beyond. David is in his mid/late twenties, a tough gangster with a disarming smile—the lovable rogue sort. Ryan Gosling or Nic Bishop are about the right age or could fake it a bit younger. I also like Chris Pine and Ryan Reynolds, but fear that they might be too old for the part.
Should the Roaring Twenties series actually become a movie (and I have had one film company ask about options, so it isn’t as far-fetched as I once assumed), I think the wisest course would be to choose unknown actors for the roles.
The Page 69 Test: The Impersonator.
Writers Read: Mary Miley.
The Page 69 Test: Silent Murders.
--Marshal Zeringue