Here Toyne dreamcasts an adaptation of The Searcher, the first novel in the Solomon Creed series:
The Searcher has just been optioned by Leonardo DiCaprio’s production company, so who knows, maybe the boss will play my hero, Solomon Creed. I always tend to cast my books as I’m writing them and have a character document with visual steers and notes about what they look like and how they act. It’s a useful way of keeping track of who’s who in the long process of first draft and then revisions. It also means I can jot down notes that occur to me and refer back when I’m writing different characters. Sometimes I’ll have an idea about one character, for instance, while I’m writing another so it’s a useful and easy way to capture these thoughts before they vanish into the ether.Learn more about the book and author at Simon Toyne's website, Facebook page, and Twitter perch.
Solomon Creed is very thin and elegant and pale, almost albino-like with white skin and hair and pale grey eyes. One character describes him as looking like a beautiful marble statue that has come to life. When I was writing the character I started off seeing him as Peter O’Toole in Lawrence of Arabia, then he morphed into David Bowie in The Man Who Fell to Earth. For a while he looked like Michael Fassbender and then ended up as Cillian Murphy, only with white blonde hair. Now the book is finished, however, he kind of looks like all of these people, which I suppose means he probably now looks exactly like Solomon Creed.
My Book, The Movie: Sanctus.
My Book, The Movie: The Tower.
--Marshal Zeringue