Here Corry dreamcasts an adaptation of My Husband’s Wife:
If they make my book into a film, here’s who I’d like to play the lead role.Learn more about My Husband's Wife. Follow Jane Corry on Twitter and Facebook.
I actually had a variation of Cate Blanchett in my head when I wrote Lily who is one of my two main characters. But the other day I spotted a picture of the actress Rose Byrne and thought - that’s my Lily! She has exactly the same bone structure. Strangely, I don’t have a particular actress for Carla (my other main character). In my head, I see her as a feisty, fairly tousle-haired little Italian girl who then grows into any of those amazingly beautiful chic Italian women who you see in the street. I only wish I had their poise!
Rather than name a particular director, I’d rather say that I would like someone who understands my characters as much as my publisher did. It’s a wonderful feeling when the people you have created are taken seriously by others.
I can’t tell you how excited I would be if My Husband's Wife became a film. There are some ‘irons in the fire’ as we speak. In other words, my agent is in discussions with a big production company so I am keeping my fingers crossed. My second husband and I live near a wonderful little cinema in our seaside town in the UK. If my book did hit the big screen, I would invite everyone I know to come along. It makes me tingle just to think of it!
--Marshal Zeringue