Here Massey dreamcasts an adaptation of The Girl From Blind River, her debut novel:
While I wrote The Girl from Blind River I had Jennifer Lawrence in mind to play Jamie. I loved her in Winter’s Bone which is one of my most cherished reading and film viewing experiences, and visualizing her as Ree Dolly helped sustain me in the development of Jamie’s character. Today’s choice though Jamie would be Nadia Alexander of Seven Seconds. She has the depth to play Jamie’s interior life against her external circumstances.Visit Gale Massey's website.
I always saw Jamie’s Uncle Loyal as being played by an aged Heath Ledger (think Enos Delmar in Brokeback Mountain).
My choice for Detective Garcia would be Jeremy Renner. I love his face and the way he portrays such angst.
Sandra Bullock would make an excellent Phoebe Elders.
It would be interesting to see what James Dean would do with the role of Toby. No one did angry young man as well as Dean.
And as for Judge Keating, I don’t even know. Maybe Tom Hardy?
--Marshal Zeringue