Here Hinz dreamcasts an adaptation of Starship Alchemon:
It’s always fun to engage in “who should play the role” scenarios even though Hollywood realities dictate that it’s nearly impossible to get an original science fiction novel made into a medium-to-big-budget science fiction film unless: 1) the book sells about a million copies; 2) a major actor wants to play the lead; or 3) Steven Spielberg’s your uncle.Visit Christopher Hinz's website.
A further impediment to movie adaptation in the case of Starship Alchemon is that it’s a standalone story, with a clear beginning, middle and end. Unfortunately, that violates a principal Hollywood commandment: "Thine book shall be the first in a series in order that a franchise may be launched."
All that said, Starship Alchemon remains wonderfully cinematic in the Alien-esque tradition, featuring a small group of space explorers aboard an AI vessel struggling to survive a bizarre foe that can attack them on physical, emotional and intellectual planes.
Despite the daunting odds of such a film ever being greenlit, I present the following dream-casting: George Clooney as “Ericho Solorzano,” the ship’s besieged captain; Jennifer Lawrence as psychically tormented “LeaMarsa de Host”; Halle Berry as perceptive crewdoc “June Courthouse”; Javier Bardem as the increasingly deranged “Tomer Donner”; and Constance Wu as pheromonally enhanced scientist “Faye Kuriyama.”
Let thine cameras roll!
The Page 69 Test: Starship Alchemon.
--Marshal Zeringue