She studied art and was lucky enough to illustrate numerous publications before transitioning to the digital world.
She has a particular fascination with psychological thrillers, crime, and suspense. All the dark stuff. So that’s what she writes.
In her other life, she is a web developer and designer, an illustrator, and an artist.
Here Naymark dreamcasts an adaptation of her new novel, Hide in Place:
I set Hide in Place in my (new as of 2013) home of Rockland County, NY. This means I started by picturing real people I know for most of my characters. However, very quickly I began to fantasize about Hide in Place, the Movie, and immediately cast a young Annie Lennox as my lead, Laney Bird. Think Annie Lennox circa Sweet Dreams, sporting short hair and cheekbones you can cut glass with. I especially like her in her man’s suit and tie. Laney would rock that look.Visit Emilya Naymark's website.
The second POV character in the book is a teenage boy, Alfie, and the closest actor I can think of for him would be (an even younger) Timothée Chalamet, with bleached hair.
And since we’re dreaming here, Ewan McGregor would be perfect for Owen, my confidential informant antagonist.
Last, but not least—and I’ve given this one a great deal of thought—Steven Soderbergh would have to direct. In his career he’s made just the right mix of psychologically deep, unnerving crime and relationship films to be an absolutely ideal director for Hide in Place. Think Traffic crossed with Unsane.
The Page 69 Test: Hide in Place.
--Marshal Zeringue